A Challenging Puzzle with Options that Provide Hours of Fun...
Interactive Excitement in a Feature Packed Unique App for Building Logical Thinking Skills...


The Knight’s Challenge is a collection of chess related puzzles. Puzzles include the classic Knight's Tour and others involve capturing all the pawns on the board.

The rules of chess define how each piece moves on the chess board. The knight moves in an unusual way and it has a special power. It can move over other pieces. |Here are the ways a knight can move: All of the pieces on a chess board move in straight lines, except the knight.

The knight can move in an “L-shape”. In other words, knights can move two squares in any direction vertically followed by one square horizontally, or two squares in any direction horizontally followed by one square vertically. If the knight is in the center of the board, it can move to 8 different positions and it can move over other pieces on the board. The object of The Knight’s Challenge is to move the knight to all of the 64 spaces on the board in the least number of moves.

[ See also Lights Out ]

Special features make using The Knight's Challenge fun:

1. The app provides a challenging logical thinking and problem solving experience in a hands-on, interactive way..

2. The app automatically keeps a record of your scores as you progress toward the goal.

4. Speech and sound effects can be turned on or off.

5. The Knight's Challenge is available exclusively for Apple iPad and Apple TV.

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ISBN 1--57116-464-2
