A Set of Challenging Visual Puzzles for All Ages!
Enjoy Interactive Excitement in a Feature Packed Set of Unique Challenges.


Isometric Grid Playground helps kids learn about how isometric drawings are used in fields such as architecture and mechanical drawing to provide an understanding of how something is built. It provides visual challenges where the object is to find the correct positions for line segments in order to render an structure. Various types of line segments automatically snap into position as the student tries to replicate on the grid a similar structure to what is given in a challenge. By dragging line segments to make the construction given in a challenge is one of the basic activities, but students can also use the app to creatively make up their own designs.

[ See also Math Bingo K-6 ]

Special features make using Isometric Grid Playground fun:

1. The app randomly sets up visual challenges.

2. Challenges are presented in two different formats.

3. Speech and sound effects can be turned on or off.

4. Available for iPad.

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Check out our new 3D-View Puzzles for another fun app!

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ISBN 1-57116-470-7